The Time
For More
Is Now.

Like right now, right now!

I'm gonna keep it 💯...

Things can get pretty crazy out here in these digital streets.

You started your entrepreneurial journey because you wanted to enjoy more freedom and flow in your everyday life. You wanted to live in your zone of genius and make a positive impact with your work. You dreamed of enjoying your days doing the things you truly love with less stress.

But now? You’re a jack-of-all-trades with more to-do’s on your task list than hours in the day. Trying to figure out your next best move and keep up with constantly changing technology is hard enough. Add complicated layers of doubt, confusing advice from gurus, and battle scars from bad decisions in the past and soon you’re overwhelmed and ready to throw in the towel on your vision.

It's time for you to change that.

I get how it feels to know that you're meant for more...

while also being frozen at the thought of making the wrong DECISIONS.

You know that with the right support you could make big things happen. 

You’ve joined the workshops, taken the courses, listened to podcasts, and watched hours of YouTube videos trying to put things together piece by piece. Despite your progress, there’s still something that you can’t quite put your finger on that needs to shift in order for you to get to your next level.


Allow me to introduce myself...

I'm Ashley Baxter.

With 15+ years of experience creating successful strategies for businesses of all sizes, I’ve had some folks say that making the hard things simple is my superpower. I’ve learned priceless skills on my journey from small-town girl, to Fortune 500 brand strategist, to passionate business owner supporting my clients as they bring their dreams to life.

But beyond strategy, I’ve also had to break through a mountain of limiting beliefs and energetic baggage in order to turn on my authentic truth and use it as my guide to success and flow in everyday life. 

Showing you how to silence the noise, cut through the fluff, and build your brand or business in a way that’s aligned with your deepest desires and needs is my mission… I can’t wait for us to get started!

Are you...

Barely surviving or magnificently thriving?

Working hard or working smart?

Dreaming of someday or living in the now?

Stuck in old patterns or building better habits (and actually sticking with them?!)?

1-1 coaching and mentorship is for folks ready to claim their personal power, master their mindset, and get things done so that they can step into the life they truly deserve with ease and flow. If that’s you, let’s go!

Imagine a life where you...

Why do I care so much about your success?🤷🏾‍♀️

BECAUSE I KNOW FROM PERSONAL EXPERIENCE THAT STAYING ON THE SAME PATH AND hoping it'll get better someday won't earn you a cookie.

This is the time to step into your desires.

Your dreams are valid and you’re not asking for too much. It’s time to connect the dots between the things you think you “should” be doing and the things that actually light you up.

Like so many before me, I made the mistake of thinking that being a good adult meant suffering through things that drained my energy. My success was measured by my paycheck and the opinions of the people around me. There were so many options available that I simply couldn’t see. But, as I learned how to access and navigate them, my world opened up.

What I know for sure is that you’re far too brilliant to stay stuck on a hamster wheel of obligations instead of living your true purpose. I’m here to empower you to say yes to yourself and what makes you truly happy (and teach you the skills you need to do it with confidence).

How does this work?

You’ll complete a quick questionnaire, then book a time on my calendar where we can chat and get clear on what you really need to step into your next level. 

 If working together is a good fit, you’ll choose between a 3-month or 6-month program where we’ll consistently meet 1:1 to build a simple strategy for your success, sharpen your skills, and master your mindset for exponential growth. 

Each week we’ll work together on your business or brand and you’l have clear steps to take and a way to track your progress. 

Also, it’s impossible to have confidence in your decisions and to take big risks when your mindset isn’t right. That’s why our work will go beyond the tangible stuff (like developing a stellar strategy and assets for your brand) and into the deep-rooted blocks that hold many entrepreneurs and executives back (like fear of failure/success or feeling not enough).

These practices will help you learn how to better protect and manage your energy as the precious resource that it is while also incorporating more joy in your daily routine. Those things you’ve dreamed about “someday” will become a part of your reality now as you’re held in a safe container where you can show up authentically.

Building the muscle needed to consistently bring your best self to the world, without apology, is the major key. 

The Investment

3 Months

starting at $3,000 a month

6 Months

starting at $2,500 a month

What's included

You'll Have Access To:

People Always Ask...

I work with entrepreneurs who have their own business OR who are ready to boost their personal brand. I also work with executives who want to stay fresh on trends in the digital space OR who are ready to build a presence and polished persona for themselves as an industry thought leader.  

My clients have accomplished some pretty amazing things like… 

– Getting crystal clear on their brand and their position in the market 

– Creating offers and products they feel excited about and confident to deliver

– Doubling or tripling their prices to generate additional revenue without having to hustle or work harder 

– Hiring support and building the right team so they can  create more freedom and bring more joy into their everyday life

– Breaking through mental roadblocks and limiting beliefs so that they can align with the right opportunities  

– Finding their authentic voice so that they can openly express themselves without fear or concern for what others might think

– Making strategic moves and reaching their goals faster with less stress

Your 1:1 calls will be  scheduled in advance (with flexibility). I check my Voxer and emails M-F and sometimes on the weekends too. I have healthy boundaries while also taking pride in being  there for my clients when they me. 

Once you’ve signed up you’ll get access to my calendar to book your individual calls. We can also pick a day and time on the calendar to meet at the same time each week. Whichever makes your life easier. 

I guarantee that I’m 100% committed to your growth and expansion in our work together. My willingness to go above and beyond for my clients is unshakeable. 

In order to see results, you should be equally committed to showing up, completing the exercises, and taking the necessary actions to move yourself forward. Each client will have their own unique needs and experience so there are no promises for any specific outcomes. 

Still on the fence?

Let me share one last thing...

The definition of insanity (per Einstein) is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. That’s not where you’re meant to be. 

Big decisions = big emotions. If you’re reading this feeling nervous or not quite sure if you’re ready to invest in yourself at this level, I want you to know that it’s normal. 

I invite you to ask yourself the following questions if you aren’t feeling certain: 

– What’s the worst thing that could happen? 

– What’s the best thing that could happen?

– Where could I be in 90 days with the right support? 

Take a few deep breaths, get grounded, and make a decision that serves the best and highest version of yourself… then remember that you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be and literally cannot mess it up. 

If it’s meant to be, I look forward to chatting with you soon!  


Grab your spot!