Aging can be scary. But it’s also a beautiful process that allows you to reflect on your growth over the years.
Every experience is an opportunity to learn a lesson that helps shape us into a more evolved being. The good. The bad. The ugly.
There are a few lessons in particular that, once learned, make the journey much easier.
1.Pack light. When traveling, never take more items than you need. In life, never carry more emotional baggage with you than is required to get to your next destination. Shed the excess.
2. Measure material goods in sentimental value, not monetary value. Things are things. Attachment causes worry. Let go, let flow.
3. But always back up your hard drive… because having your laptop stolen sucks.
4. Instead of debating purchases, ask yourself… “In 5 years, will this still be a memory”? Proceed accordingly.
5. List your priorities. If you say something (or someone) matters but “don’t have time” take a look at that list of priorities and adjust accordingly.
6. Reevaluate your priorities every 90 days. As you grow older and wiser they will change for the better. Let them go stale and you’ll keep chasing things you no longer need to be happy.
7. Sometimes life’s bullsh*t is fertilizer. My pawpaw always covered his fields in manure to produce stronger crops. Sometimes you have to be surrounded by crap to reach your full potential.
8. Keep spare keys. For. Everything.
9. You are Mr./Mrs. Right. The more fun you have with yourself the more opportunities you have to meet someone at your vibration.
10. 99.9% of the time it’s not about you. Everyone has their own doubts, fears, agendas, hopes, and dreams. You are the center of your own universe and no one else’s.
11. Trust your gut but also question it. Why is it telling you what it’s telling you? The answer provides lessons to help you in similar situations.
12. Never underestimate the power of kindness.
13. Be brave. Take risks. Do at least one thing that makes you uncomfortable every single day. Nothing extraordinary happens inside your comfort zone.
14. Own your ability to make decisions. Some things we are born with. Everything else in your life is a direct result of something you decided to do. Bask in the awesomeness of your authority over yourself.
15. Realize that saying sorry is nice, but its power weakens when it’s overused. Let your actions to convey whatever it is that you think needs correcting.
16. Breathe in moments of uncertainty. We go all primal brain (fight or flight) when the going gets tough. Training yourself to take a breath can create space for your problems to solve themselves.
17. Hone your discernment. Remove what doesn’t serve you as your highest self from your life without apology. It’s often a silent process and sometimes no words need to be spoken.
18. Believe people when they show you who they are. If it walks, talks, quacks, and acts like a duck it’s a duck.
19. Stay curious. When you don’t fully understand something, being judgmental or defensive won’t bring you closer to comprehension. Simply ask questions and take the time to learn more.
20. Take care of your body. You only get one and spare parts are hard to come by. Your legs can run marathons, climb mountains, & move you across oceans.
21. Learn how to fuel your body. Every person needs different things. Don’t assume a one size fits all approach will work.
22. And also learn where your food comes from. As more people ask questions, mass food production standards will improve for us all.
23. Spend less time wondering what other people are thinking, and more time asking yourself how you feel.
24. Detox from technology regularly. It’s normal to live a super connected life but don’t let your digital reality be a damper on your actual reality.
25. Don’t fake it til you make. Be your authentic self and appreciate where you are in the moment before you get where you’d like to be.
26. Question the foundation of your complaints. The act of complaining isn’t going to fix anything. But understanding why you felt a need to complain in the first place gives you a place to start in making your situation better.
27. Don’t worry about haters. It means you’re doing something worth hating.
28. Say hello or good morning to everyone, especially those who don’t say it back or respond grumpily. They are usually the most in need of kindness.
29. Give without condition. Not from expectation of reciprocal effort or what’s in it for you. Unconditional giving removes stress, anxiety, and brings a lot more joy to sharing your life with others.
30. Travel. Travel now. Travel frequently. Travel with family. Travel with friends. Travel alone. Don’t wait to see the world until the time is right. The right time is always now and there’s an adventure waiting right around the corner every day.
31. Your perception is reality. Everything in life is truly that simple. Build a strong mindset centered on gratitude, positivity, and abundance. You have everything you need to live the life you want if you’d just believe it.