I first came across the lemonade diet in 2006. The movie Dreamgirls had just hit theaters. One of the films stars, Beyonce, credited the cleanse with helping her quickly lose 20 pounds for the role. Her review of the Master Cleanse was glowing.
At the time I was in my early 20’s, had just been laid off from my first job out of college, and had made a tough decision to move back home for a few months while I looked for my next opportunity.
It’d be safe to say I was a little lost back then with no clue what was to come next in my career. I figured there’d be no better time to work on my fitness and drop a few pounds. If it was good enough for Bey, it was good enough for me.
The Master Cleanse has been around for ages. It was created by nutritionist Stanley Burroughs in the 1940’s as a way to cure stomach ulcers and other digestive ailments.
The cleanse lasts for 10 days. During this time you’re allowed to drink water, herbal tea, and a “lemonade” drink that’s a concoction of fresh squeezed lemon juice, grade B maple syrup, and cayenne pepper.
Each morning you complete a salt water flush of the digestive system… aka you drink a quart of hot salty water that goes straight through your stomach to the other side. It’s like a liquid plumber for the gut if you will. Proximity to a toilet at all times is mandatory.
What I thought would be a grueling 10 days dreaming of all the pizza and cheese dip I’d eat when it was over turned into something deeper.
In that first cleanse I learned that taking an extended break from food gave me time to get reconnected with myself. I looked more deeply at what really drove my desires and reconsidered the things I truly wanted in life.
I used the time to make a few adjustments and within a few weeks I had a new job in a new city, moved back out on my own, and started a more mature phase of adult life. All of those changes weren’t the result of my time spent cleansing, but it played a big role in helping me adjust. I didn’t just lose a few pounds, I found a new clarity in the life I wanted to build for myself.
I’ve continued to do the Master Cleanse over the years at times when I’ve needed a reset. It’s a great way to bring myself back to center, identify unhealthy patterns, and to get extra clarity in my goals and refocus my vision.
The biggest takeaway from my master cleanse review and overall experience is that it also gives me a chance to release toxins, waste, and extra pounds I’m holding onto but no longer need. Even better is that it provides an opportunity to do the same mentally, emotionally, and energetically.
In my last cleanse I found an unhealthy pattern of accepting less than what I deserved.
I then released a happy client who loved my work but had made a habit of paying late and making me chase them down to be compensated for completed projects. I released a man I really adored who rarely made the effort to communicate through any channel other than text despite his repeated claims to be excited about dating. I released a belief that “hard work” was the key to success and allowed myself to step into more simplicity and ease with the structure of my business. I let a lot go in 10 days and felt like a new person because of it.
Here are a few tips on using the Master Cleanse to clear both your body and mind from dead weight that no longer serves you being you being the best version of yourself.
The biggest reason people fail to complete the cleanse is a lack of planning. Pick a timeframe to complete your cleanse when your schedule is less taxing. If there’s no such window in your calendar then create one. If you can’t seem to create one then ask yourself why making time for your own health isn’t a priority. Get real with yourself and accept your truth, whatever it may be.
Once you’ve picked a 10 day period to complete your cleanse you should plan for success. Order the things you’ll need in advance and have them ready to go at the start your cleanse vs picking up things along the way. I wrote a separate post that outlines everything you need to know like what to buy, estimated costs and more.
You can get a list of master cleanse ingredients and rules here.
Have a clear and specific reason for completing the cleanse. Most of us want to lose a few pounds, but you’ll have better results if you dig a little deeper.
Perhaps you want to get back in touch with your own voice? To identify your vices and unhealthy patterns? To find renewed energy and focus to complete a specific project? To reset your eating habits and get back to taking better care of your body overall?
Use your time cleansing to work towards a specific outcome but give yourself the flexibility to roll with whatever comes up in the process without judgement. Allow yourself 10 days to just be.
During your cleanse you’ll find yourself with a bit of extra time on your hands. You’ll spend less time planning, cooking, and ordering meals. You’ll no longer need to do quite as many dishes or spend as much time shopping for food.
Take that extra time and do something good for yourself. Read (or listen to) a good book. Spend a little time in meditation. Take a new course or learn a new skill. Connect with an old friend. Get outside and enjoy nature more than you normally would. Leverage the time you’d normally spend eating to feed a different part of your soul.
It’s easy to think a time where you’re not eating is a time to veg out and live in couch potato land, but the opposite is true. Your body needs movement. As you move through the cleanse and release toxins your system needs circulation now more than ever.
Light exercise like a long walk, gentle yoga, or simple stretching goes a long way in helping your lymphatic remove waste from the body.
There will be times where you may feel tempted to judge yourself or others during the cleanse. You might be tempted to judge your cravings or inability to stop thinking about food. You might be tempted to judge every person that friend who knows you’re fasting but eats in front of you anyways.
Let it go. Take this time to embrace a space where there is no right or wrong way to do things. Go with the flow of what feels best and ask yourself the deeper questions surrounding your thoughts. Get past surface level judgements and reconnect with the truths that really make you tick.
The master cleanse isn’t for everyone. But if you’re up for the challenge and looking for a reset it may support your goals. I’m just a regular person who found success in using this process throughout my life. This isn’t medical or health advice and you should talk to your doctor before giving it a try.