Writing and repeating your affirmations is a great way to place a positive frame around your day.
What are affirmations?
Affirmations are statements you create around your goals and dreams that help train your brain to positive thoughts and possibilities.
In your affirmations, you declare your desires to be true. Studies have shown that doing this actually helps them come to reality. It doesn’t happen overnight, but the idea makes a lot of sense if you think about it. By simply believing that the things you desire could actually be yours you’ll be more likely to make actions towards getting them.
So where do you get affirmations?
You can Google affirmations and find hundreds of lists for every topic you can think of. From love, to work, to health, to wealth… many wise people have written detailed affirmations that you are free to copy.
However, your affirmations will have a larger impact on your life if you take a few minutes to focus them on things that you’re currently struggling with.
Grab a pen and paper, set a timer for 10 minutes, and write down any self-judgments, roadblocks, or negative thoughts that are holding you back and squashing your motivation.
Review that list. For each item, write a self-affirming statement that speaks the opposite of that feeling to be true. Here’s an example:
“I’ll never find my soulmate or be loved.”
“I am worthy of love and the person I’m meant to spend my life with will come into my life.”
After you’ve written your affirmations, create a schedule in which you’ll repeat them out loud or write them down. Then stick to it!
On days when you need a little extra something to stay motivated, your affirmations can help keep you focused. It’s often said that you are what you think. Adding this bit of positive energy to your routine keeps your mind thinking good vibes. Those good feelings will start to spill into other areas of your life as well.
Take note of how you feel both before and after you repeat or re-write your affirmations. Chances are, you’ll feel much better afterwards.
It’s normal to feel some resistance when you start this process. If you aren’t accustom to reminding yourself of the possibilities it can feel forced. Some people often refer to the use of affirmations as a “fake it til’ you make it” exercise which feels a little disingenuous.
But that’s the point!
If you reject the hope and truth in the awesome things you wrote as your affirmations why would they ever become real? That’s why it’s important to push through. Read your affirmations until they feel real. Knowing that they are possible helps bring them to life.
Have you written you affirmations? How do you use them to stay motivated? Tell me in the comments below.